
Travis Anderson

Number: 11
Position: Defense
6' 1"
Weight: 180
Birthday: 7.24.84
Hometown: Coon Rapids, MN
Last team: River City (USHL)

Kevin Kasel: Tell me about your family life, do you have any brothers or sisters?

Travis Anderson: Yes, an older brother named Jake who's 19 and a younger sister who is 12, her name is Molly.

Kevin: How old where you when you started playing hockey?

Travis: I was about five.

Kevin: Why did you start?

Travis: I guess, it is kinda the thing to do in Minnesota.

Kevin: Why did you decide to play for the Bucs?

Travis: Well, Junior hockey is the way to go if you want a scholarships, nowadays. I started out in Omaha and I was traded here. So now I am here.

Kevin: Have you always been a defensemen?

Travis: Pretty much. But, I had a little D-forward experience back in the younger days.

Kevin: Do you have a favorite pro or college team?

Travis: Golden Gophers!

Kevin: What about a favorite player?

Travis: I really don't have a favorite player.

Kevin: Do you have a nickname?

Travis: Nope.

Kevin: Where would you like to go to college?

Travis: Minnesota.

Kevin: Best advice you've ever received (doesn't have to be hockey-related):

Travis: I suppose, if you going to go, go all out.

Kevin: Finish this sentence: The fans would be surprised to know that I ...

Travis: I really don't know?

Kevin: My first job was ...

Travis: I worked at Party City. Which is a kinda party warehouse, discount store type-deal.

Kevin: Best decision I ever made?

Travis: Suppose, taking the opportunity to play Juniors, instead of giving up hockey.

Kevin: What are your hobbies?

Travis: I like to hunt and fish and hang out with friends when I'm at home, play games, card games, stuff like that.

Kevin: What would you consider your dream car?

Travis: I like the older Mustangs. The boxy looking Mustang convertible.

Kevin: What do you like to do besides hockey?

Travis: I guess pretty much just hang around with my friends and sit at one of our houses.

Kevin: What can't you imagine living without?

Travis: TV, I guess.

Kevin: What's your most embarrassing moment?

Travis: I suppose I got out there a few times without taking my skate guards off. So, those first couple steps are little trouble. Make you look like a (fool) in front of everybody.

Kevin: Who is your favorite non-hockey athlete?

Travis: I guess never really thought of it. I don't I have one of those either.

Kevin: What is your favorite non-hockey sport?

Travis: Baseball.

Kevin: When you're not playing hockey, where are we most likely to find you (in season or off season)?

Travis: One of my friend's houses hanging out with them or a couple of friends.

Kevin: Do you have a specific pre-game meal? If so, what is it?

Travis: Can't say that I do.

Kevin: Who has been the biggest influence on your life?

Travis: Probably my Dad.

Kevin: If you started your own NHL franchise, and you could pick any player, who would you start with and why?

Travis: Probably, Wayne Gretzky, cause he is the man.

Kevin: Who would you have on your hockey "Dream Team"?

Travis: I'd have a bunch of the old-time Gophers. Jordan Leopold, Mike Crowley, just some of those other great Minnesota hockey players.

Kevin: If you were stranded on a desert island, whom would you want to be stranded with … Brittany Spears, Cameron Diaz, Sarah Michelle Gellar or Tara Reid?

Travis: All of 'em.

Kevin: You are the first one to answer with that.

Kevin: What is something you've always wanted to do, but haven't yet?

Travis: Suppose, I have always wanted go play paint ball. But it is pretty expensive and I don't have a lot of time with all the hockey.

Kevin: Who would you rather be, Bugs Bunny or Road Runner?

Travis: Road Runner.

Kevin: Who is your favorite Super-Hero?

Travis: I don't have one of those either.

Kevin: Any advice for younger hockey players?

Travis: Just stick with it., and work your hardest everytime you go out there.

To 2002-2003 Roster