
Number: 21
Position: Defense
6' 4"
Weight: 195
Hometown: Topolcany, Slovakia

Player Biography

Player Biography is not available.

See Miroslav's interview below and video clip.


Sarah: Where do you call home?

Miroslav: Topolcany, Slovakia.

Sarah: Can you tell me about your family?

Miroslav: I have a Father and Mother and Sister [laughs at this point]. My father is a truck driver, mom is a nurse and my sister is a nurse too, but she is going to college now.

Sarah: Why did you start playing hockey?

Miroslav: Why? I don't know. I started playing street hockey with my friends when I was five years old and after that I started playing hockey on ice, but I don't know why.

Sarah: Can you talk about the past teams that you have played for?

Miroslav: I started in Topolcany, my hometown and played hockey there for all my life. Last year I played in the capital city, Bratislava, for a junior team there and also played back in Topolcany for a senior team there.

Sarah: How did you end up playing for the Bucs?

Miroslav: I have an agent and last year I was drafted by the NHL, so my agent came here to sort of launch myself.

Sarah: What do you like best about playing for the Bucs?

Miroslav: I like this team, I think it's a good team and the best in the league. These fans are awesome and I think the best in the league. I like playing here.

Sarah: What are your future plans?

Miroslav: I want to play professional hockey. Next year I want to play major juniors, the scouts from the NHL want me to play major juniors, but if I'm not drafted I may play here.

Sarah: Do you have an embarrassing moment you can tell me about?

Miroslav: Just from the language sometimes I don't understand things. Or sometimes I'll say things wrong, but other then that, no.

Sarah: Do you have a nickname?

Miroslav: I have lots of nicknames. In my home town my friends call me Duri.

Sarah: What hobbies do you have?

Miroslav: I like basketball, street hockey and listening to music.

Sarah: Is there anything the fans wouldn't know about you that you'd like to tell them?

Miroslav: I'm a big trouble maker!

Sarah: Anything else you'd like to say?

Miroslav: Our fans are the best in the league, they are great.

Special thanks to Lisa Sheehy for transcribing this interview.